Böblingen, 12.05.2022: This year, Austria holds an eCC for the first time. In a simple setting we would like to present the solutions of our partners to customers and other interested parties. In doing so, we specifically address the challenges faced by sales as a result of increasing digitization.
Fuchsegg Eco Lodge
Amagmach 1301 6863 Egg, Austria
From 06/22/2022 to 06/24/2022, rooms have been reserved in various hotels at various special rates. You can find more information at www.ecatalog-conference.com
crossbase mediasolution GmbH
KiM GmbH
PlanSoftware GmbH
There is no charge for participation in the eCC 2022. Accommodation costs are to be covered by the participants.
To help us plan everything accordingly, we ask you to register at the latest by Friday, 03.06.2022, at: www.ecatalog-conference.com.
crossbase mediasolution GmbH
Otto-Lilienthal-Straße 36
71034 Böblingen
+49 7031 9880-700
crossbase mediasolution GmbH
Konrad-Doppelmayr-Straße 15
6922 Wolfurt
+43 5574 64880-39
© 2025 crossbase mediasolution GmbH
Herby Tessadri