
Opening of the subsidiary in Besançon, France. Managing Directors Thomas Kern and Jean-René Thies

Böblingen, 01.08.2018: Since the 1st of April 2018, crossbase also has a new subsidiary in France. The independent company, crossbase SARL, is a limited liability company based in Besançon. Its managers are Thomas Kern and Jean-René Thies.

With this new subsidiary, crossbase is expanding its presence in Europe. It will use this subsidiary to win and support customers in France, the Benelux countries and francophone Switzerland. In addition, it will now provide direct support for the francophone subsidiaries of existing customers.In the course of setting up this subsidiary, all the crossbase user interface and the software documentation were translated into French.

crossbase will also hire additional staff for the French subsidiary to provide its customers with optimum support. KS TOOLS SAS, in Mommenheim, Alsace, is the first French customer with its own database installation and user interface in French and German. More information ...

Further information can be found on the french crossbase customer list.


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